
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

What types of assessment does the school use?

Informative assessments are performed all the time as the teachers ask the children questions, mark written work, observe group work and every aspect of school life! Parents are asked to contribute through informal or formal meetings.

Summative assessments are those which summarise the learning so far and include the Phonics assessment at the end of year 2; SATs tests in year 2 and 6 as well as end of unit assessments / end of term assessments. 

The school uses FFT Aspire to track the children’s progress through school. Other forms of assessment and tracking are used such as the Autism Progression Framework, Boxall Profile and Speech & Language Link. 


If concerns continue the school may refer to an external agency for additional support. For example a referral may be made to: the Educational Psychology department / Communication and Interaction Team / Health / Social, Emotional & Mental Health Team. 



