
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Reopening letter to parents & carers

Dear Parent/Carer


As you are aware the Government is looking for a phased return to school from 1st June for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. This announcement has raised many questions, worries and uncertainties and as a school we continue to await clarification from the Department for Education and Devon County Council.


However, in the meantime it is important that this possible return is carefully planned for and part of this planning is knowing potentially how many children will be returning to school. Therefore, I am asking parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to indicate if your child will be returning.


I am sure you will have many questions that require answering before you can make this important decision but this is only an indication and this will not mean your child has to return. If you decide now is not the time for your child to return to school, I fully understand and support this decision.


The following arrangements/measures will be put in place


  • Children will be placed in smaller group sizes and social distancing of 2m will be observed as much is practically possible.
  • Each group will have its own dedicated classroom.
  • Regular hand washing will take place throughout the day.
  • Each group of children will arrive and leave school at different times to ensure social distancing for both children and parents/carers.
  • Each group of children will have separate play and lunchtimes.
  • Lunch will be eaten in the dedicated classroom.
  • Classrooms will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.
  • Home learning will continue to be provided for all year groups.
  • The school day will be shorter to allow staff to meet the needs of both children in school and those whom continue with home learning.


Please let me know if your child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 will be returning by emailing by Monday 18th May.


If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to phone school or use the teacher@ email address.


Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time.


Stay safe and well


Alan Monger

