
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

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  • Join Jess for another dance session with links to French to recognise International Dance Day

    Wed 29 Apr 2020

    Hello everyone!

    Miss Squire here in association with Hatherleigh Primary School. I hope you enjoyed last week’s workshops - International Dance Day is this week so join the rest of the world and get dancing!

    This Week’s Links

    Here are this week’s links (the warms ups are the same each week and should be done before the main session). For ease I have used abbreviations and so KS1 means school years Reception, 1 and 2, and KS2 means school years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

    ALL YEARS - French Link

    (You might want a notebook and something to write with for French, especially KS2 pupils)


    Dance - Key Stage One (for this occasion that includes Reception, plus Year 1 and 2)

    KS1 Warm Up: Dance -

    Week 2: KS1 International Dance Day Special -


    Dance - Key Stage Two (School Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

    KS2 Warm Up: Dance -

    Week 2: KS2 International Dance Day Special -

    Please make sure that:

    1. You have a clear, safe space to dance in (no obstacles, including cables/wires, coffee table corners, expensive ornaments nearby that could be knocked or cause injury).

    2. Participants are wearing something that is suitable to dance in, long hair is tied up, and no jewellery. Also sensible footwear, especially if you have a slippery floor.

    3. An adult is supervising (or even better, joining in!).

    4. Participants are looking after themselves and anyone else joining in. Make sure dancers are being careful with their moves, and stop and rest if needed.

    5. Have some water nearby/afterwards.



    Best wishes, and take care,

    Miss Squire

  • Thank you to the NHS

    Mon 27 Apr 2020
    Lots of people have been joining in the clapping on Thursday at 8pm. Last week Harry went one step further. This earned him a well-deserved interview for the local paper. 
  • Week 1. St George's Day dance sessions with Miss Squire.

    Thu 23 Apr 2020

    Hello everyone

    Miss Squire here. As you know, it is more important than ever before to find ways of keeping fit and active, and happy and healthy from home. Taking part in these online workshops is a great way to do that, and so I hope adults and children alike will be taking advantage of this opportunity made available to you by Hatherleigh Primary School.


    How to access the online workshops:

    All you need to do is click the links below, which will take you to this week's sessions (on YouTube), and then you will be able to do the workshops. New workshops will be sent out every week (although the warm ups will be the same). Don't forget, you can always do them gradually, or more than once, perhaps as a morning wake and shake, or as an after home-school club.


    Please make sure that:

    1. You have a clear, safe space to dance in (no obstacles, including cables/wires, coffee table corners, expensive ornaments nearby that could be knocked or cause injury).

    2. Participants are wearing something that is suitable to dance in, long hair is tied up, and no jewellery. Also sensible footwear, especially if you have a slippery floor.

    3. An adult is supervising (or even better, joining in!).

    4. Participants are looking after themselves and anyone else joining in. Make sure dancers are being careful with their moves, and stop and rest if needed.

    5. Have some water nearby/afterwards.


    This Week’s Links

    Here are this week’s links (the warms ups are the same each week and should be done before the main session). For ease I have used abbreviations and so KS1 means school years Reception, 1 and 2, and KS2 means school years 3, 4, 5 and 6.


    Key Stage One (for this occasion that includes Reception, plus Year 1 and 2)

    KS1 Warm Up: Dance -


    Week 1: KS1 St George’s Special -


    Key Stage Two (School Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

    KS2 Warm Up: Dance -


    Week 1: KS2 St George’s Special


    French (all years)

    You might want a notebook and something to write with for French (especially KS2 pupils)




    Best wishes, and take care,


    Miss Squire 

  • Miss Squire dance workshops for Hatherleigh School

    Wed 22 Apr 2020

    Hello everyone!

    Miss Squire here, and it is my pleasure to announce that I am working in association with Hatherleigh Primary School to bring you some dance workshops at home! It's more important than ever before to find ways of keeping fit and active, and happy and healthy from home, and dance is a great way to do that, so I hope adults and children alike will be taking advantage of this opportunity.


    Every Thursday, you will be sent three links, as follows:

    - Dance for Reception, 1 and 2

    - Dance for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

    - Dancing and Singing French for all school years


    How to access the workshops:

    Each week, a new link will be sent out to you. All you need to do is click the link, which will take you to YouTube, and then you will be able to do the workshop. New weekly dance workshops will be sent out every Thursday from this week. 


    Please make sure that:

    1. You have a clear, safe space to dance in (no obstacles, including cables/wires, coffee table corners, expensive ornaments nearby that could be knocked or cause injury).

    2. Participants are wearing something that is suitable to dance in, long hair is tied up, and no jewellery. Also sensible footwear, especially if you have a slippery floor.

    3. An adult is supervising (or even better, joining in!).

    4. Participants are looking after themselves and anyone else joining in. Make sure dancers are being careful with their moves, and stop and rest if needed.

    5. Have some water nearby/afterwards.


    Here are two warm ups to get you started!


    Reception, Year 1 and 2 Warm Up: Dance -


    Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Warm Up: Dance -


    Enjoy! Best wishes,

    Miss Squire 

  • Letter to parents & carers

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    Friday 17th April 2020


    Dear Parent/Carer


    Thank you to everyone for working so hard to make home learning work, I know for some getting to grips with new technology and balancing working from home with children’s home learning has been a real challenge.

    Home learning activities for next week will be posted on class pages on the school website by Monday morning, with additional information and personal feedback from teachers to children continuing on Class Dojo. If you are still to sign up or are experiencing any problems please see the Class Dojo help sheets sent out through school comms and posted on our website, alternatively contact school using the admin@ or teacher@ email addresses. It has been lovely to see all the home learning activities being posted on the Class Dojo pages and on the school website, please continue to send them in using  .

    From next week our weekly newsletter will return, this will include the usual school news, learners of the week and any other community information you would like to share.

    As said previously, school continues to remain open for vulnerable and key worker children, but can I remind you that all children should stay at home, following the Government’s directive, and only attend school if required as a vulnerable child or to enable you to fulfil your role as part of the nation’s response to COVID-19, please contact school using or if you require your child to attend. I am really looking forward to us all being back together, but as you are aware the Government announced a further three weeks of lock down and no information on when schools may reopen.


    With financial circumstances changing some families may become eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Please check the criteria below and follow the link, all you will need is your date of birth and National Insurance Number.


    • Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
    • Income Support (IS).
    • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA).
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (IRESA).
    • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
    • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, that does not exceed £16,190).
    • Working Tax Credit run-on (the payment you get for a further 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit).

    If you are successful, please forward any evidence you receive (or do a screenshot of the result) to

    Spending considerable amounts of time together at home as a family can be challenging, if you have any wellbeing or safeguarding concerns please contact


    Annual school reports are being brought forward this year and I am aiming to send them out by either email or hard copy by half term – more details will follow later.  In the meantime, as we did not have a Spring term parent/carer evening, if you have any questions or require further information about your child’s attainment, progress or wellbeing please contact class teachers using Class Dojo or using .

    As you are aware all examinations including KS1 and KS2 SATs have been cancelled for this summer, details of how end of KS1 and KS2 attainment and progress are assessed and reported will be communicated to you once the DfE has informed schools.

    During this time whilst school is closed good communication with parents/carers is even more vital, if you have recently change your contact numbers (mobile and landline) or email address could you please let school know.

    Please continue to regularly visit Class Dojo and our website to view weekly home learning, the whole school number challenge, online resources, including those for SEND children, and for further updates and information regarding COVID-19 as they become available from Devon County Council and the DfE.


    Stay safe and well


    Alan Monger


  • Art work wanted by Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra for a project they are doing.

    Thu 16 Apr 2020

    Dear all,


    Firstly, I hope you are all keeping well and feeling rested after the Easter break.


    Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra is currently working with our community choir to record a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. We are very excited about this project and wanted to get children from all over the South West featured. We would love for them to create some imaginative rainbow artwork to feature in the music video. Please see below for details.



    -        The deadline for paintings/pictures/any type of creation is Monday 20th April 2020 at 17:00 to this email address:

    -        By sending in the artwork you will be giving permission for your child’s work to be used and broadcasted online.

    -        If you wish, your child can feature in the photo holding their artwork and/or put their name on the work. You sending this image to us will act as your permission for us to use your child’s image and/or name on our online video. Please only instruct us on submission of the picture if you wish otherwise.

    -        Send in your submissions electronically as photos, scans or a PDF Document

    -        We also welcome submissions from school groups who are still in school and would be delighted to share your school name!


    We very much look forward to seeing your fantastic work!


    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


    All the best,



    Catherine Hoolihan
    BSO Participate Coordinator (Schools)

    01202 644726




  • Welcome to the summer term.

    Tue 14 Apr 2020

    Welcome back to a rather unusual Summer term. I hope you and your family are safe and well and have had a good Easter break and managed to enjoy the lovely sunshine.


    Home learning activities for each week will be posted on class pages on the school website with additional information and personal feedback from teachers to children using virtual learning through Class Dojo.


    The Summer term newsletter can also be seen on your child’s class page.


     If you are still to sign up for Class Dojo and the Maths app Times table rock star and require information or help please email including a subject heading to  Learning for the week will be shown as daily English, Maths, Science and the wider curriculum activities and, where possible, at different levels of challenge - one, two or three star activities. I appreciate home learning can be challenging but the expectation is that children complete some work every school day. If you need any support, have a question or would like to give some feedback please contact school or message your class teacher using Class Dojo.


    During the Easter break many families have continued to email home learning activities and Mrs Moss has been very busy posting them on the website. The range of activities has been amazing and I know have been a source of pleasure and inspiration for all.   Please continue to send in your photos and not just home learning but all the lovely things you and your family have been doing using .


    During the Summer term school will continue to be available for vulnerable and key worker children, but can I remind you that all children should stay at home, following the Government’s directive, and only attend school if required as a vulnerable child or to enable you to fulfil your role as part of the nation’s response to COVID-19, please contact school using or if you require your child to attend.


    Spending considerable amounts of time together at home as a family can be challenging, if you have any wellbeing or safeguarding concerns please contact the school or in an emergency the Police 999, non-emergency 101 or MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 03451551071 or .


    Please regularly visit Class Dojo and our website to view weekly home learning, the whole school number challenge, online resources, including those for SEND children, and for further updates and information regarding COVID-19 as they become available from Devon County Council and the DfE.


    I’m really looking forward to us all being back together but in the meantime stay safe and well.


    Alan Monger


  • Support for mental health

    Fri 03 Apr 2020

    At a time of great anxiety and uncertainty here are some resources to help support children's mental health:


    There is also support for parents/carers
