
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

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  • COVID arrangements in school from September 2021

    Wed 21 Jul 2021

      Wednesday 21st July 2021


     COVID Arrangements in school from September 2021




     Dear Parent/Carer  


    From Monday, England moved to Step 4 of the Government roadmap  meaning COVID restrictions are now lifted but as a school we will remain cautious to ensure the ongoing safety of all in our community.


    Below are detailed the arrangements that will be in place when the children return to school in September. All of these measures will be under constant review and revision to reflect the needs of the school and the latest guidance from the DfE and Devon County Council.


    Class organisation

    Children will no longer be in class bubbles and will be able to mix with other classes at play and lunchtime and attend whole school gatherings such as assembly. Social distancing will not be expected but children and adults will be encouraged to maintain an appropriate distance from each other when possible taking into consideration the age of the children and the nature of a school environment. Children will continue to have a personal stationery kit and we ask for only essential items to be brought into school such as a coat, book bag, PE kit, water bottle and packed lunch, other items such as toys are not encouraged. 


    Face masks and testing

    There continues to be no requirement for Primary aged children to wear face masks in school but school staff will wear masks as appropriate to meet individual needs and support the reduction in virus transmission. 

    Twice weekly COVID19 testing for staff will continue but there is no weekly testing requirement for children.


    Track and Trace

    Hatherleigh school will no longer need to carry out routine contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID test. From this point onwards, close contacts will be identified and contacted by NHS Test and Trace.


    Arrival and departure

    All children may arrive at the school gates between 0845 and 0855 and walk straight into class. Departure will be at 1515 for EYFS and KS1 (YR, Y1 & Y2) and 1520 for KS2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6), children will be brought to the school gates and dismissed by class teachers to parents and carers.

    To continue to maintain good safeguarding for all at school, parents and carers will be asked to remain outside of the school gates and be mindful of social distancing and wear a face mask as you feel is appropriate to your needs.

    Children using the school bus will arrive and depart at the usual bus times.

    Please note, new YR Chestnuts children will be arriving at 0900, lining up on the playground and departing at 1500 for the first three days of the new term. After this they will be able to arrive and depart at the normal school times for YR.


    Communication with staff

    If you wish to speak to a member of staff please use the class or admin email, telephone the school or speak to a member of staff on the gate or class teacher once they have completed dismissing their class at the end of the day. 



    Whilst in school children will continue to wash/sanitise their hands on arrival/departure, after every play and lunch time, before eating food, after using the toilet and after any session involving shared equipment such as PE. Desks will continue to be cleaned at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions. 



    Each class will continue to have dedicated toilets for their class and will be appropriately supervised to avoid any overcrowding. 


    One way system

    To support  social distancing and safe movement of children around the school the  one-way system, shown through signage and arrows painted on the floor, will continue. 


    Lunch arrangements

    All lunches will now be eaten in the Dining room.  Children will wash/sanitise hands before eating and tables will be cleaned before and after each sitting.

    All trays, crockery, cups and cutlery will be thoroughly washed and sanitised, following normal Health and Safety procedures.


    Visitors to school

    All visitors to school must phone in advance, only one person will be admitted at a time and you will be expected to observe social distancing and wear a face mask when on the school site.


    Remote Education

    In the event of children not being able to attend school due to self-isolating or shielding, Remote education will be used to ensure learning continues. Please see the school website for details of our Remote education provision.  

    Wellbeing - ensuring children are ready to learn

    The wellbeing of children, parents/carers and staff has been of utmost importance from the beginning of the Pandemic and will continue to be so when school returns in September for the new school year. As a school, we will continue to ensure all social/emotional and wellbeing needs are identified and met thus ensuring children are ready to learn.


    If you have any questions or require further information please contact the school office.

    Thank you for your continuing support and understanding during these challenging times.  

    Yours sincerely                                                                                                                                         


    Alan Monger






  • Sports day and a visit from HSB

    Fri 16 Jul 2021

    Although we couldn't run it like we usually do, we had a wonderful 'bubbled' Sports day. Each class went down to Hatherleigh Cricket Club for their session of track and field events. It was great to be able to invite parents too. Despite the incredibly hot weather the children did themselves proud and competed with a smile. 

    At the end of the day, Hatherleigh Silver Band performed in the playground as each bubble left. This was part of an initiative from Brass Band England celebrating the return of live music as restrictions are lifted. We all thoroughly enjoyed hearing the mini band play.
