
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

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  • Letter to parents & carers from Dawn Stabb - Head of education and learning.

    Fri 16 Oct 2020


    Education & Learning 

    County Hall 

    Topsham Road 


    EX2 4QD 

    Tel: 01392 383000 


    16 October 2020 

    Dear Parents and Carers

    Before we conclude the first half term of this new school year, I wanted to take a moment  to thank you and your children for your patience and understanding while teaching staff  have worked incredibly hard to prepare and adapt to changes at school designed to  reduce the spread of coronavirus. I also want to thank our students for their  overwhelming positive response in accommodating the changes at school.  

    I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the wider coronavirus picture.  Devon, overall, still has comparatively low numbers of positive cases – seven of our eight  District areas remain lower than the national average. However, the number of positive  cases across the county has risen in line with the national increase. 

    In Exeter, like so many university cities, we have seen numbers rising significantly,  centred mostly around the university’s student population. In response, the University  introduced additional measures on top of their already comprehensive strategy to stop  infection. These include extending the restriction of movement between their student  households on campus and within their student accommodation. Public Health  information shows that the rest of the city is around the national average, there is no  evidence at this time of significant spread of the virus between student and non-student  populations in Exeter. 

    During this first half term, many of our schools have seen small numbers of pupils, either  with symptoms of coronavirus requiring them to self-isolate, or who have tested positive  and therefore need to self-isolate. However, even small numbers of pupils testing positive  can disrupt learning as it means that many more pupils who have been in the same  bubble have to self-isolate at home.  

    Schools have therefore needed to work hard to try to blend face-to-face teaching, for  those still in school, with the provision of online or paper-based learning for children self isolating at home. Please note schools do not need to provide learning at home for those  pupils who do not need to self-isolate. 

    For those pupils who are self-isolating, I ask you to ensure that they remain at home and  are not socialising with people from outside of their household. If your child has been sent  home for 14 days to self-isolate, it’s vital that they do just that for the full duration. That  means staying at home for no fewer than 14 days unless they are given the all clear to  return to school. It also means having no friends or visitors over during that self-isolation  period. 

    I would also like to remind parents of younger-aged children to follow the national  guidance when they come to drop off or collect their child from school. That is, to follow  the 2 metre social distancing rules, and when in busier and noisier environments where  social distancing is difficult, to wear face coverings. It is likely that parents who talk  outside of school do not do so in the same bubbles as their children and these simple  steps not only protect you, but they also protect everyone else from the spread of  coronavirus.  

    As some people may have COVID but not show any symptoms (i.e. the high temperature,  new and continuous cough, or change to the usual sense of taste or smell) it is really  important for everyone to follow social distancing and hand hygiene measures to stop  spread, including when socialising out of school or when participating in extracurricular  activities.  

    We have some helpful Frequently Asked Questions on our website, to help parents know  what to do if their child develops symptoms, as well as other advice. 

    With regards to the national news this week about schools remaining closed for an extra  week in addition to the half term holiday, we are in regular liaison with our headteachers  and we are all keeping a close watch on changing Government guidelines, including the  possible extension of half term.  

    In normal times, schools determine their own holiday dates within the academic year and  some Devon schools already choose to have two-week autumn half terms and shorten  their holidays at other times. Individual schools will inform you of any changes to their  term dates. 

    Finally, I know that schools are in regular contact with you, to keep you informed and to  quickly alert you to any changing situation at school. Your child’s education, health and  wellbeing is as of vital importance to us and your school, as it is to you, and I ask that you  continue to work with your school and that you support them in their efforts. For this  reason, if your child tests positive for coronavirus please ensure that you keep them and  any siblings at home and that you notify the school immediately. 

    In anticipation of your child’s well-deserved half term break, I wish you and your families a  safe and healthy holiday. 

    Yours sincerely,  


    Dawn Stabb 

    Head of Education & Learning

  • Join Jess for her week 4 dance workshops

    Thu 01 Oct 2020

    Miss Squire dance workshops week 4


    Hello everyone!


    Here are your new dance and French links for this week. Expect lots of fun fitness, magnificent music, fantastic French and of course, all possible to try in a small space.

     Don't forget you can watch the clips in instalments or indeed multiple times, and also scroll back to do something again! If you're doing these at home - why not get everyone to join in?!


    All years:

    NEW French:


    Key Stage 1: Dance

    Warm Up:

    NEW Session: Welcome to the 60s -


    Key Stage 2: Dance

    Warm Up:

    NEW Session: Welcome to the 60s -


    Sending my very best wishes,


    Miss/Mademoiselle Squire
