
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Information for children returning to school.

    Wed 27 May 2020

    The PowerPoint includes information and photographs to help the children be prepared for their return to school. There are some changes to the premises but it also reassures the children that lots of school will look the same.

    Click the link below to find the PowerPoint. Contact school if you have any further questions.


  • YR, Y1 & Y6 return to school information.

    Thu 21 May 2020

    Thursday 21st May 2020


    Dear Parent/Carer


    Thank you to everyone whom has responded to indicate if their child in Reception, Y1 or Y6 will be returning after the half term break. I appreciate this has been a very difficult decision and would like to reinforce my understanding and support to those parents/carers whom feel now is not the time for their child to return. Also, to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support, positive messages and appreciation of the school’s efforts over the last two months.


    Following a meeting of the Governing board the return to school for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children will be over a three-week period beginning on Wednesday 3rd June. This approach has been adopted to allow for very careful monitoring of all procedures and measures to ensure the school is as safe an environment for the children as is possible and to allow for review and revision as is required.


    The return timetable will be as follows.


    Beginning from

    Groups attending school

    Monday 1st June

    Vulnerable and key worker children

    Wednesday 3rd June

    Vulnerable, key worker & Year 6 children

    Monday 8th June

    Vulnerable, key worker,  Year 6  & Reception children

    Monday 15th June

    Vulnerable, key worker, Year 6, Reception & Year 1 children


    Year groups will be divided into smaller groups with dedicated arrival and departure times, classrooms, teachers and teaching assistants.  Final information including specific details of which group your child will be in, their classroom and teacher will be communicated after the half term break when final numbers of returning children have been confirmed and also allowing for any revisions due to updated information from the Government.


    Attached with this letter are the following documents


    • DCC COVID-19 return to school risk assessment.
    • HCPS COVID-19 return to school risk assessment.
    • Arrival, departure and play/lunchtime timetable including procedure for arriving and departing school.
    • Payments to school information.


    The Government as you will have seen in the news has the ambition for all Primary children to return before the summer break, I will be writing to you later in the term to address this following the return of Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children.


    If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to phone school or use the teacher@ email address.


    Once again, thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time.



    Stay safe and well



    Alan Monger


  • Join Jess for the latest dance workshops.

    Wed 20 May 2020

    Hello everyone!

    Miss Squire here with your new links for this week! I hope you’re getting on well with them and are making progress. Enjoy, have fun, and stay active!


    French - all years

    French Week 5 -


    Key Stage 1

    Dance Warm Up:

    NEW KS1 Dance:


    Key Stage 2

    Dance Warm Up:

    NEW KS2 Dance:



    Take care all, sending wishes, Miss Squire.


  • Letter from Dawn Stabb - Head of Education & Learning

    Fri 15 May 2020






    Education & Learning

    County Hall Topsham Road

    Exeter EX2 4QD

                                                                                              Tel: 01392 382560



    15 May 2020





    Dear parent or carer


    As you will have heard, some children will be returning to school from the 1st June, if it is safe to do so. On the 11th May the Government published further detailed information for parents about the planned re-opening.


    Schools and Multi Academy Trusts across Devon County Council are working closely with the Local Authority and others to support families during the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to let you know about the arrangements that will be made for schools opening for more children in Devon.


    Special Schools will work with families individually to agree when it is safe for each pupil to return to school.


    Primary, infant and junior schools and nurseries are reviewing the Government guidance and planning how they can open to more year groups (Reception, Year 1 and Year 6) after half term, if it is possible to do so. This does not change the arrangements for children of keyworkers and vulnerable children.


    Schools readiness to open for more year groups will vary depending on their situation. However, the decisions schools make will all be based around the same safety criteria and risk assessments.


    Some schools may not be able to open on the 1st June or they may open to some of the suggested year groups and not others. Some children may be asked to attend for just part of the day or go to a different setting. Siblings, if not in the allocated year groups for opening, will not be able to attend. You need to feel well informed and well prepared for this as everything will depend on ensuring it is safe for more staff and children to attend the school.


    There are some other important things you need to know.

    • Your child’s school will need to follow Government guidance so things will feel different
    • To be as safe as possible your school will ask you not to come into the school and to carry on being two metres apart at the school gate.
    • Your children will be in smaller classes and will not mix with other groups and may have different break times.
    • Attendance is encouraged. If you feel worried about your child or family’s safety, please talk to your school in the first instance. No action will be taken (such as a penalty notice) if you decide it is not safe to send your child to school.


    Each school will provide information on their website and in newsletters so that parents will know exactly when the school will be able to once again offer a place for their children. Schools will provide this information when the safety and risk assessments have been completed. You may also be invited to say whether you will be taking up a place if it is offered.


    Secondary schools will continue to be open for the children of keyworkers and vulnerable pupils. They will also aim to have some face to face contact with Year 10 pupils (and Year 12 if they have sixth forms) to provide them with support for their home learning.


    Early years settings will be increasing the number of children they can support and separate information will be provided for parents with children in this age group.


    If you are a keyworker or have vulnerable children, your child may have been attending school for some time and they will be able to continue to do so as they do now.


    It is important to note that clinically vulnerable or shielded children will not be expected to attend School, and those children who live with someone who is medically certified as clinically extremely vulnerable should only attend if stringent social distancing can be adhered to. It may not be possible for very young children and older children without capacity, to follow instructions on social distancing and in this situation we do not expect those individuals to attend. Children who live with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable), may attend School.


    Parents may be feeling a mixture of emotions, that’s understandable. We are here to help and support families. If you need help or support, please contact your school first and they will put you in touch with services who can help


    Thank you for supporting your school to stay safe.




    Dawn Stabb

    Head of Education & Learning

  • Reopening letter to parents & carers

    Thu 14 May 2020

    Dear Parent/Carer


    As you are aware the Government is looking for a phased return to school from 1st June for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. This announcement has raised many questions, worries and uncertainties and as a school we continue to await clarification from the Department for Education and Devon County Council.


    However, in the meantime it is important that this possible return is carefully planned for and part of this planning is knowing potentially how many children will be returning to school. Therefore, I am asking parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to indicate if your child will be returning.


    I am sure you will have many questions that require answering before you can make this important decision but this is only an indication and this will not mean your child has to return. If you decide now is not the time for your child to return to school, I fully understand and support this decision.


    The following arrangements/measures will be put in place


    • Children will be placed in smaller group sizes and social distancing of 2m will be observed as much is practically possible.
    • Each group will have its own dedicated classroom.
    • Regular hand washing will take place throughout the day.
    • Each group of children will arrive and leave school at different times to ensure social distancing for both children and parents/carers.
    • Each group of children will have separate play and lunchtimes.
    • Lunch will be eaten in the dedicated classroom.
    • Classrooms will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.
    • Home learning will continue to be provided for all year groups.
    • The school day will be shorter to allow staff to meet the needs of both children in school and those whom continue with home learning.


    Please let me know if your child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 will be returning by emailing by Monday 18th May.


    If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to phone school or use the teacher@ email address.


    Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time.


    Stay safe and well


    Alan Monger


  • Join Jess for the latest dance workshops

    Thu 14 May 2020

    Hello everyone/bonjour tout le monde!


    I hope you were able to commemorate VE Day in style and had fun doing your workshops last week. Great to be keeping active and having fun whilst learning!

    Here are the links for this week:

    Key Stage 1:

    Dance Warm Up -

    Week 4 Dance -


    Key Stage 2:

    Dance Warm Up -


    Week 4 Dance -


    All years:

    Fabulous French Link -


    Until next time everyone / À la prochaine tout le monde!


    Miss / Mademoiselle Squire


  • Burma Bridge Replacement

    Tue 12 May 2020
    The school would like to thank the Moor Management Committee for funding the replacement of  our Burma Bridge.  We are delighted that the whole adventure trail is now back in use!
  • Returning to school - a message for parents/carers

    Mon 11 May 2020

    Dear Parent/Carer


    On Sunday evening the Prime Minister made an announcement regarding the next stage of the Government’s response to COVID -19. This included the possibility of certain year groups returning to school on the 1st June. This has raised many questions, worries and uncertainties and made the way forward far from clear.


    Once the school has received further information and clarification from the Department for Education and Devon County Council I will write to you again clearly setting out our plan for a safe return to school for children, parents/carers and staff.


    In the meantime, school remains closed and is only open for vulnerable children and those of key critical workers.


    Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time.


    Stay safe and well


    Alan Monger


  • Join Jess for her VE Day dance workshops.

    Thu 07 May 2020

    Hello everyone! Or should I say bonjour?!


    I hope you've been getting on fabulously with all the dance workshops so far. I've had some great feedback so well done and do keep your photos and videos coming into school so that we can see how wonderfully you are progressing. 
    Friday sees the 75th anniversary of VE Day (you may have seen me on television with The Hummingbirds Trio on Tuesday talking about it - BBC Spotlight 6:30pm!) and so this week's dance workshops are in a 1940s style, celebrating the end of World War 2, as people were doing in 1945. Have fun celebrating and commemorating!

    Here are the links:

    Key Stage 1:

    Dance Warm Up -
    VE Day Dance Special -


    Key Stage 2:
    Dance Warm Up -
    VE Day Dance Special for KS2 -


    Fabulous French for all years:

    Link -


    Happy 75th VE Day!  À bientôt tout le monde!

    Mademoiselle/Miss Squire


  • Rainbow diaries

    Sat 02 May 2020

    Rainbow Diaries


    During these very unusual and unprecedented times, a lot of us are in positions which we never thought we would be in. We are all now a part of history, therefore we invite every child in Hatherleigh to join us in creating ‘The Rainbow Children Diaries’. Working alongside the Hatherleigh History Society we also invite any keyworkers that are still working at this time. Our aim is to have a website where everything can be viewed digitally and ultimately to get a book made, so it is important you are happy for yours or your child’s names or pictures should you want to be included.


    We would like written diary entries, which may be typed or handwritten, if handwritten you would need to take a clear photograph and they would need to be submitted as a jpeg. Some pictures would be nice too.


    No more than 500 words please.


    Some ideas for children to consider:


    How many of you in your house?


    Do you have a garden to play in, what do you play?


    Have you been exercising by walking, cycling or joining in keep fit on the television or internet?


    Have you learnt any new skills, making things from recycled materials or crafts, cooking etc?


    Has anyone had a birthday in your house and how did you celebrate it?


    How have you managed with home-schooling, was it hard to concentrate or did you enjoy it?


    What have you missed most about not being allowed out?


    Did you come out of your house to clap or make a noise to thank the NHS and keyworkers?


    Did you make a rainbow to put in your window or to give to somebody?


    For any teacher, parent, grandparent that would like to send an entry in, it would be great to know how this lockdown has changed your daily lives, whether you are unable to work, working from home. The added impact of home-schooling your children etc. for those who are over 70 and having to self-isolate how are you finding things?


    Any questions or to send your entries please use the email below.




    Many thanks

    Donna Lewis (PTFA Chair)
