
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Sport Relief

    Fri 13 Mar 2020

    The children looked fantastic in their sporty clothes today. It was surprising how many different sports were represented from running, swimming, climbing, riding, rugby and many others. Each class had a half hour skipping slot to perfect skills and invent their own moves. We all got together for an assembly in the afternoon where some children showed off their moves. 

    Thank you to everyone who sent in a donation.

  • World Book Day

    Thu 05 Mar 2020
    What an amazing sight everyone looked today! Well done to all the children and adults who dressed up or brought in their favourite book to celebrate World Book day. The winners of the book cover competition were announced and everyone who took part in the Extreme Reading photograph competition received a certificate. Who would have thought there were so many different places to read a book. Thank you to Mrs King for organising it and all the children and the adults who helped them to take part. They will be up on display by next week.
  • Skipping workshop with Dan.

    Tue 03 Mar 2020
    The whole school took part in a series of skipping workshops today with Dan the Skipping man. The children learned a variety of skills from basic jumps to super tricky skills, individual, paired and whole group skipping moves. We look forward to seeing what creative moves they come up with over future play times, having been inspired today. 