
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Design Technology

At Hatherleigh Community Primary School, through a variety of creative and practical activities, children will be taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. Design and Technology activities will be taught in a variety of ways across the school, for example, in blocks of taught time, as part of a topic or in short skills based activities.

Children will get the opportunity to design purposeful functional products using a wide range of materials and components and to use a variety of different tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing.

As part of their work with food, children will be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating.

Design and Technology has relevance across the curriculum and links with other subjects, particularly Science, Art and Mathematics. Activities will be planned to ensure continuity and progression throughout the Key Stages.

2021 - 2022

Oaks tasted different South American fruits including dragon fruit, pineapple and mango, they chose ones they liked to go in their Quinoa salad.

As part of Oaks topic of South America, we watched clips from Rio carnival, they designed their headdress on a computer programme and on paper.They then made their own carnival headdress and wore it during a dance session with Jess Squire.

2020 - 2021

Hawthorns have been exploring playground equipment, linked to our Geography topic Our Community, and have designed and made their own piece of playground equipment.


Year 2 tested kites and used what they found out to make their own kites.

Year 3 created their own bridge that would allow a toy car to cross a gap of 30cm.

29.3.19. As part of their topic on dragons, Poplars designed and created their own dragon and made it using newspaper.

Sewing skills to make animals

Willows designed and made puppets linked to their seaside in the past topic.

Willows designed and made their own jeeps.They drew Mrs Cooper's car and thought about patterns on safari animals.

Whole school sewing project.
