
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care


Welcome to Maples


Meet the Class

Take a tour of our classroom!

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Welcome to Maples


Meet the class

Maples class at Totleigh Barton for a creative writing workshop - putting on our writer's faces!

Meet the staff

Our creative business is underway!

Shaky dice coding

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We programmed our new microbit computers to show a random number when shaken.

Here it is in action!

Dice coders at work

Meet the class

Welcome to Maples Class


Meet the staff

Year 6 warming up their bodies and waking up their brains with their morning exercise.

Welcome to Maples Class!


Our Class 2021 - 2022

As part of the Two Moors festival year 6 and 4 were lucky to enjoy a workshop by the amazing Kyan String quartet. They played a couple of pieces by Haydn and Benjamin Britton and a few the children recognised.

Welcome to Maples Class!



Elves hard at work

Welcome back to school, Maples!

A few photographs from when the website photographer visited for the morning.


Dear Maples,


Welcome to the summer term.  Here you can find the link to our home learning page.


Mr Lea


Ethan's animation, with soundtrack

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Have a look at this great animated video created by Amelie

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This video is from Darius. You might want to hum the star-wars theme as you watch!

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Here's another video, this one is from Isaac T

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Mr Lea

Sports Relief. Here's a challenge. How many children can link arms and skip together.

After studying non-fiction texts in English, Y6 tried following instructions to make nettle cordage


Goodbye Maples!


It's been a pleasure to teach you this last year, it has really zipped by.  Thank you so much for your generous presents and your touching words.  Below this message is a link to the song we recorded today.  Good luck in whatever you do next and wherever you go.


Mr Lea

Every Piece of the Jigsaw

Here's a recording of year six performing their final song from our leaver's play. The recording doesn't really do them justice; they sounded even better live!
Want to know what we're doing this term?  Have a look at these documents.

Residential day 3 - Twelve Man's Tor

Residential day 2 - more to come!

Year six are safely on residential!

5.6.19 Here is some of our creative writing and art work based on "The Princess' Blankets" by Carol Anne Duffy



Well done for your brilliant attitude and commitment during SATS week, Maples.  Now we will be working hard to polish our writing skills. 





10.5.19 Do you remember this? Have you achieved your aims?

17.5.19 End of SATs week party. Thank you to the parents who organised their surprise party.

SATS - One week to go!


As you know, we have just four school days to go until our SATS week begins on Monday 13th May.  Think of SATS as a chance to show off all the hard work you have been doing.  I can't promise it will be easy but I know that you are well prepared and that it's not something to be worried or stressed about.


Keep working hard year six, I am proud of you all.


Mr Lea


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Watch as a prototype Y6 vacuum cleaner effortlessly cleans up some scraps of coloured paper!

Rotary Quiz. Both of our teams conducted themselves brilliantly and did themselves proud coming 3rd and 4th.

Click here to find out what Maples will be studying this year