
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care


Skyeridge Farm 2023 - 2024

Skyeridge Farm was a firm favourite for four pupils from Y6 and Y5. They had a very busy day weighing the sheep using the sheep hurdles to guide them into the barn, with zero escapees! They met the pygmy goats, the two donkeys, Donks and Parsnip, and made sure all the livestock were well. 

After the busy time, they perfected the art of stone skimming and had some time chilling out. The polytunnel was inspected and the last bits of chard and a few pumpkins were picked and fed to the animals.

Thank you to Lynne Andrew and Paula McMillan, for another informative and enjoyable experience.

November at Skyeridge Farm

Skyeridge Farm 2022 - 2023

Pony Therapy

Hatherleigh School is a mainstream school in the heart of Devon with 170 - 190 children, approximately 17 - 22% of whom have special education needs. These needs range from physical needs such as hearing impairment; autism, speech and language difficulties, dyslexia,  social and emotional difficulties and global developmental delay. 


Our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator)  Miss Sunita Chauhan.

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Governor responsible for SEND is Patricia Back



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