
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care


Welcome to the PTFA section. Find out what we do to support our school. 

Scroll down to see photos of our recent events. 

Hatherleigh Community Primary School PTFA


Who are we?

Hatherleigh Community Primary School PTFA is a registered charity run by a group of parents, teachers, carers and anyone with an association to the school who share the common interest of a desire to enrich, enhance and improve the learning experiences of every child in the school and to make special memories by adding in those little extras along the way!

Within our school PTFA we have a chairperson, a treasurer, elected committee members and a group of helpers. We value the broad range of skills that our members and helpers bring to our cause, cake bakers, face painters, IT skills, organisational skills, every contribution of time and support is valuable. 

The PTFA helps to provide closer links between homes and the school, and brings parents, staff, and friends together in support of the children, all working towards a common goal.


Our current Committee Officers are:

Chair – Jemima Powlesland

Vice Chair – Steph Letheren

Secretary - Kelly Friggens

Treasurer – Natalie Wonnacott


What do we do?

Our main function as a PTFA is to help raise as much money as we can for the school and children, whilst also offering events and activities which strengthen the school experience for the children.  Like most PTFAs, the majority of the funds are raised through the fun events that we organise and run through the year including:

  • Summer and Christmas Fairs
  • Discos
  • Bingo
  • Autumn/Winter Ball (One for the grown-ups!)
  • Cream Tea in a box sales
  • Christmas Wreath making events
  • Cake sales
  • Coffee Mornings


Other Fundraising

There are also several other fundraising streams that are managed by the PTFA including:

  • Second-hand uniform sales
  • Our School Lottery (see details below)
  • Commission on the children’s Christmas cards and products
  • Providing refreshments at Sports Day

We are always on the lookout for new fundraising ideas and meet up once a half term to discuss all things PTFA. Please get in touch with the school or a member of the Committee if you would like to get involved, in whatever capacity.


Check out our Facebook page which we use to keep parents/carers up to date with meeting dates, upcoming events and general useful school related reminders - Hatherleigh PTFA

We also promote PTFA fundraising events in school newsletters and through ‘Parentmail’ emails so ensure the school has your up to date contact details to be kept in the loop!



Our School Lottery

Our School Lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children! It’s a fantastic way to bring parents, carers, teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our school, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children – we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extra-curricular activities such as music, art and sport. Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!

All you need to do is sign up online at

Guaranteed winner from our school every week!

The more tickets we sell the bigger the weekly prize!


Hatherleigh School has launched a lottery!  All the profit goes to our school.  See link below for further details.

2022- 2023

We hope you can take part in the Easter Egg Hunt over the Easter holiday.

Thank you to everyone involved in the organising and to those who came along to support our wreaths making evening.

Upcoming event. Join us 2nd December for a festive evening of wreath making.

21.10.22 The PTFA organised a very success Halloween disco. The children had a fantastic evening and it was a great way to end the term.

11.1.2020 Winter ball 2020. Thank you to all involved in making the night so enjoyable. Special thanks to Kelly, Jem and Jane who had the idea in the first place and worked so hard in the months running up to the event to make it the success that it was.

12.12.19 Another fantastic Christmas Fayre. Thank you to everyone involved in making it such a success.

5.12.19 All the children enjoyed themselves at the Elves workshop. Crafts, Pizza and a film...ingredients for a fun evening. Thank you to all the adults who helped make it happen.

Exciting news from the PTFA. Your child will have brought home the information about the Elves Fun Workshop on Thursday 5th December and the Junior photography competition. See below for more details.

Sports Day 2019. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying sports day. The refreshments organised by the PTFA, including bacon butties, were a big hit and a fantastic profit of £280.60 was taken. The children really appreciated the lollies supplied by the PTFA, especially in the afternoon as the clouds disappeared and the sun shone.

Summer Fair update.   

A fantastic £800 profit was made from the Summer Fair. Thank you again to all who helped or came and supported the evening.

12.7.19 A wonderful Sunny evening for our Summer Fair.

The Year 6 headed off on their residential wearing their wonderful leavers hoodies paid for by the PTFA.

Well done to Philip Duthaler, the latest member of the Woodland Flyer team to complete the sky dive helping to raise money for the next stage in the Woodland Area. He was treated to a beautiful sunny day for his jump.

A fun and entertaining evening was had by all who came to the PTFA Skittles Tournament. 11 teams entered and played each other until we had our final between The Numptys and Dirty Dens. Dirty Dens were victorious! Lots of competitive games on the competition lane. Thank you to all those who supported the event and helped to make it a success.

Thank you so much to the PTFA for funding the Ranger Russ for Year 1 and Year 3. It was a fantastic morning meeting his amazing creatures and learning about the importance of rivers and classifying animals. See both class pages for more photographs.

Skittles evening 15th June

Minutes from the PTFA meeting 29th April.

Coffee morning.

6.5.19. We raised £180 from our coffee morning and the cake sale after school. Thank you to everyone who contributed and made cakes or brought draw prizes.

2.5.19  Thank you to everyone who came to the AGM. It was lovely to see new faces.

Next Tuesday is our last coffee morning, we are after some donations of cakes, savouries and draw prizes. Please could they be dropped in to school first thing on Tuesday or directly to old schools, someone will be there from 8am. Thank you.

17.4.19. A fun evening was had by many who turned up for the Easter Bingo. The Community Centre was full and there were plenty of prizes to be won. Thank you to all of those involved in organising and running the evening. Thank you to all the local businesses who donated a large number of prizes and to Katie Bennett for calling the Bingo. The total made for the evening was a very impressive £875.37.

Hatherleigh Woodland Flyers finally got the sunshine they needed. The cloud cleared and the sun came out so that seven of the jumpers could finally achieve their 10,000 or 15,000ft parachute jump. We are so proud of you all. They now look forward to collecting their well-deserved sponsorship money.

Mr Bardot's graceful landing.

Still image for this video

31.3.19. The Hatherleigh Woodland Flyers hoped to be able to make their 15,000ft leap for a great cause. Cloud and wind unfortunately made it 3rd time unlucky.

Aviva Fund Bid.

Unfortunately we didn't win the Aviva fund. However I have been told to apply again next time. However we did get something...See below!

On this occasion the judges didn’t choose your project to receive funding, but we are pleased to say we’re rewarding your project, “Hatherleigh Woodland Flyers”, £500 in recognition of all your hard work in reaching the finals. You’ll receive this by bank transfer within the next 6 weeks from our partner Charities Trust.

Our Coffee morning.

A big thank you to everyone who baked, donated and helped out at the coffee morning today. Much appreciated. All the profits will be going towards your children's trips this year.

Join us Friday evening for our annual Christmas Fayre.

Click the link for the PTFA November newsletter.

This is us collecting 1000 pounds from the freemasons on Friday eve for the woodland fund. The money is raised by the “WAKE Fund” a trust conceived by the Right Worshipful Brother William Alexander Kneel, our Provincial Grand Master from 1970 to 1984, the late owner of Kneels laundry & dry cleaners (now Johnsons). This fund now stands at almost £2 million and the interest earned is given annually to local non masonic organisations that are in need of help. Since the first disbursement in 2001 over £750,000 has been given to over 785 worthy causes selected by members of the 132 Masonic lodges based in the county. This year on Friday 23rd November, The Right Worshipful Brother Ian Kingsbury JP. Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire presented cheques to 25 deserving causes. Meeting at the Masonic Hall, Ashleigh Road Uffculme, the charity representatives accompanied by a Mason from their nominating lodge were able to enjoy a buffet supper, explore the Lodge, ask questions about to freemasonry and receive their cheques totalling the magnificent sum of £25,000. Making the contributions Ian Kingsbury said “I am delighted that the Freemasons of Devon are able to contribute to these important local causes many of which are totally run by volunteers and hopefully these donations will make a real difference."

Halloween Disco fun.

We held our annual Town Crier competition. Look out for our winner at this years' Carnival.

A lovely day for a carwash. Raising money for our Woodland Area.

The Circus comes to Hatherleigh

A wonderful Story Telling afternoon with Clive Pig.

Willy Wonka experience.
