
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Rainbow Child Care

We offer before and after school Childcare every morning after school. Sessions run from 7.45 -8.45 a.m. and 3.30 - 5.30 p.m. Melanie Cooper provides before school care and Melanie Cooper and Helen Croom are our after school play workers.

The cost of a one hour session for Breakfast Club is £5.50 and the cost of a two hour session for After School Club is £10.00. Occasional sessions and emergency childcare available as long as numbers permit. Please contact the school office if you are interested in a place for your child.


At the moment Breakfast Club and After School Club are in the dining room. The children have their own year group tables and equipment for each year group. They either play and create in year groups or with siblings. 

18.11.20. Fun in After School Club this week.

Bonfire Night art.


Starting from Friday 28th June, we will now be running after school childcare on Fridays. To book childcare sessions, please phone the school office on 01837 810248 or email

Meet the staff

Summer term. Now that the weather is better they can play outside.

Pumpkin Carving at our Rainbow Club.
