
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care


Welcome to Hawthorns


Snowy Day home learning

Meet the class

Meet the staff

We had great fun during our Elf workshop making Christmas crafts.

In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Here are some of our 3D shape models we made.

Snowy day learning - Some lovely pictures of your snowy day adventures adding interesting labels using adjectives.

Dotty 5 - We have learnt a new game called Dotty 5 which helps us to add two numbers together to make 5.

Odd sock day. We came in odd socks as part of our anti bullying week in school.

Thank you to the parents who joined us for the Maths workshop. The children really enjoyed sharing the Maths games and activities with you.

In art we having been learning about line making. Today we used wool to practise different types of lines. Horizontal, vertical, wavy, dotted, diagonal and cross-hatch.

As part of the sequence linked to the book Naughty Bus, Hawthorns took a trip around Hatherleigh. Naughty Bus (encouraged by Mrs Jacob, Mrs Quick and the children) got up to all sorts of exciting things on its way round.

In Geography we are learning about maps and have used aerial photographs to locate features within our community.

Welcome to Hawthorns



Meet the class

Meet the staff

Happy Easter from Hawthorn Class

In Maths we have been exploring measuring the length or height of objects and the mass of objects.

We have had fun in our art lessons making clay flowers.

In Science we have learnt about plants, how they grow, what each part of a plants job is and which parts we eat. We have grown our own peas, beans and funny Mr and Mrs Grasshead. We have also been on a trip to Rosemoor learning lots of names for common and wild plants.

Happy Mothers Day

For world book day we dressed up as some of our favourite book characters and also took part in acting out the story 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' by Joe Todd Stanton

In class we looked at a collage called 'The snail' by Henri Matisse, and used these skills to create our own collages of different types of transport.

In Maths we have been adding within 20 using number lines

In music we have been learning about the beat and rhythms within songs. We have improvised simple rhythms using three notes on the xylophone to add to the song.

We have been using tens frames and bar models to represent stories. For example, First there were 7 birds in a tree. Then 2 more birds flew into the tree. Now there are 9 birds in the tree.

In Geography we have been learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We learnt a traditional Scottish dance called 'The Highland Fling."

We have been learning about autumn and have made some animals from the things we found on our autumn walk around school.

Welcome to Hawthorns Class


Meet the class

Meet the staff

March 2023 - We went to Rosemoor to enhance our learning about plants.

World Book Day 2023

In Music, we listened to a piece of music by Edvard Grieg, which told a story involving trolls. So we made our own troll masks and then danced to the music.

In maths we have been thinking about place value within 20. We had a digit card each and had to place it on a blank number line explaining why we placed it where we did.

In Science we have been learning about the different seasons and the weather. We did an experiment to find out how cold it got over night in January. We left water out over night and it turned into ice decorations.

21.11.22 - In Art we have been learning how to draw eyes, noses and mouths. We have used these skills to draw our self portraits.

18.11.22 - Children in Need

15.11.22. In computing we have started to learn about coding. We gave the bee-bots a set of instructions to see if we could make them move to where we wanted!

10.11.22 - We made poppies for Remembrance Day.

3.11.22 - In History we have been learning about significant historical events in our local community. Hatherleigh Carnival is over 100 years old and this year we made some crepe paper bunting to decorate our school.

20.10.22 - In Creative Thursday today we made sculptures of autumn animals. Can you guess the animal?

19.10.22 - In Science today we helped Mrs Jacob identify the flavours of different crisps using our sense of smell and taste. We were very good at knowing which colour bag the crisps belonged to.

18.10.22 - In RE we have been thinking about the creation of Earth. We enjoyed going into the woodland and thinking about living in an amazing world.We also created some lovely art work back in class.

This half term in Geography we have been learning about where we live. We have learnt where Hatherleigh is on the map and can identify the four countries and their capital cities, that make up the United Kingdom.

13.10.22 - We have been learning about our number bonds in class using our part part whole model.

In DT this half term we have been learning about playgrounds and how to make play equipment. Below are some of our designs.

30.9.22 - The whole school went to Broomford Estate Manor house for a whole school walk. We had lots of fun exploring.

After hearing the sad news about Queen Elizabeth II, Hawthorns class talked about her life and remembered celebrating her Platinum Jubilee together in the summer. Below are some of the portraits drawn by Hawthorns of the Queen.

Welcome to Hawthorns Class!


Staff who work in Hawthorns

Well done Hawthorns for an amazing half term term. 

Have a wonderful Half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Mrs Jacob, Mrs Orbell, Mrs Perry and Mrs Bennett.


Our toilet roll book characters for World Book Day