
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care


Welcome to Poplars


Snowy Day plan 21.11.24

Meet the class

Our Class

Meet the Staff

Over the last couple of Science lessons the class have been looking at the different types of soil. For our last lesson in this module of Rocks and Fossils, we completed an investigation looking at the permeability of two different soil types. One was a clay soil and the other a loam soil. The children were really surprised to find the soil samples did not act as they had predicted in their investigation. 

Farmwise Visit - Wednesday 6th November

On Wednesday the children enjoyed a visit from Bev from the Farmwise, where they got to learn about the story of the Devon scone.

The children participated in many different activities. They had the chance to mill grain, milk Daisy the cow and also make butter from cream, which they then thoroughly enjoyed eating on top of a scone.

On Tuesday, year 3 went to Merrivale on Dartmoor. We were looking at all the historical features that give us clues as to what life was like during the Stone Age. The children saw the remains of 32 round houses, the cist which was used as a grave and the stone rows. The stone rows were used as a place of burial and also for processions. Our guide was very knowledgeable and taught us a lot of safety features to beware of on Dartmoor too. For example, he used his walking stick to demonstrate the depth of the bog. Everyone had a wonderful day and got to enjoy the beautiful scenery and sounds of Dartmoor. 

In Science the children have been learning all about light. 

From using torches to identify the most reflective materials to help keep us safe in the dark to using mirrors to write a reflective message. 

Science - Light

Creative Thursday - David Jones art

Poplars Class 

2023 - 2024

Rivers residential 2024. The children have had an excellent residential and more photos will follow next week. Well done and enjoy your weekend Year 3!

Egyptian Masks March In Creative Thursdays the children have used the medium of mod-roc to create their own version of an Egyptian mask.

Welcome to Poplars Class


Meet the class

29.09.2023: Today the Poplars had a fantastic time on their whole school walk! They enjoyed all the puddles, mud and nature surrounding them! What a fantastic day for the whole school!

22.09.2023: Today the Poplars have a fantastic time singing their song "Floating through the breeze" at the Harvest Festival! Here is a recording of their lovely song!

12.09.2023: Today the Poplars a special workshop where they learnt the importance of their brain having that need time to be creative and mindful of their wellbeing.

08.09.2023: Today the Poplars had their first PSHE lesson! They discussed the importance of school rules and recreated scenarios in their groups in which they could use the school rules to help them!

Meet the staff

7.6.23 Today each class went up to the churchyard as part of the Gods Acre Churchyard survey. Organized by Mrs Gibb, the children spent time looking at the different flowers and grasses and trying to count how many were in a small area. Jo Pullin led the bug hunt and it was surprising how many different types of insects and bugs the children found.

12.05.2023: Today the Poplars woke up bright and early for an early start to Northam Burrows where we learnt about the mouth of the river. We also got to enjoy many fun activities such as a lovely walk across the sand and using our art skills to create fantastic natural art using sand, rocks and sea weed!

11.05.2023: Today the Poplars class started of their residential at Meldon Quarry where we learnt about river sources and the river cycles. We discovered various of beautiful places from the West Okement River to the Meldon dam to Meldon Viaduct! After our lovely adventure we split off into teams to build our own dams! We then moved on to build our boats and raced in the Okement River. Sadly the Teacher's team lost. We then returned to school where we help set up the bell tents and settled down into the night after our lovely meal!

30.03.2023 The Poplars are putting the final touches on their lovely canopic jars that they have been making with Ms Chauhan during Creative Thursday. Beautiful works of art by our talented artists.

10.03.2023 The Poplars learnt in History today how Ancient Egyptians used Plumb lines to build pyramids. We put the Ancient Egyptian method to the test by using straws, wool and a rock to recreate our own.

02.03.2023 The Poplars celebrated World book day by dressing up as our favorite characters and sharing our favorite books with the class!

27.02.2023 Today the Poplars class made chocolate cover bananas using a recipe we created during English for Fairtrade weekend! We learnt about why Fairtrade is important and how to find out what items in supermarkets are Fairtrade through the logo found on the front/back of the produce.

04.11.22.In RE we are learning what Christians learn from the creation story. Today we went to the woodland and looked at the creations around us. We looked through our view finders and then returned to class and drew some of the things we had seen.

Building Stone Henge! 6th of October to the 20th of October

Stone Age Dance! 20th October 2022

Welcome to Poplars Class!


January 2022 - Poplars Class

February 2022 - Poplars had lots of fun learning how to play hockey today!

Today we took part in a Live BBC Teach science lesson all about space. The children were very engaged and designed their own moon buggy. Everyone was very excited when we got a live shout out on their website for taking part! 

04.10.21 Live BBC Teach Science lesson

22.09.21 Ordering a historic timeline.

On our first day we enjoyed recapping our partitioning knowledge from Year 2 and extending our learning by looking at 3 and 4 digit numbers!

13.09.21 Playing 'guess my number' outside for a part of our maths learning today.

14.09.21 Presenting our alien songs to the whole class!
