
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

How will Hatherleigh School support my child?

      1. Quality First Teaching

This means that the teacher has high expectations for all pupils in their class. 

Lessons are appropriately differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.  

The teacher will build on what your child can already do / already knows. 

Assessment for learning is continuously being performed and used to fine tune teaching. 

In Hatherleigh School this includes ensuring that the classroom is dyslexia friendly; using a mix of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities in lessons; differentiated delivery (simplified language, slower paced, questioning) amongst other approaches. 


    2. Targeted Support

                 This is planned and reviewed by the class teacher and SENDCo.  Interventions may be 1:1 or in small groups. The interventions are linked to the outcomes outlined in the intervention plan. The interventions may be delivered by the teacher / or experienced teaching assistant. 


    3. Specialist Support

This will include support from external agencies and more specialist interventions such as proprioceptive activities, precision learning, access arrangements for exams. 


At all times parents / carers and the child will be involved in decision making and target setting. The school is clear about the importance and value of pupil voice, encouraging them to be involved in all the steps as appropriate for the age / ability of the child.


Most children will not progress through all the stages. If the child has made progress and closed the gap between themselves and their peers they can be removed from the SEN register but close monitoring will continue to ensure that they continue to make good progress.
