Wednesday 10th June 2020
Dear Parent/Carer
Following the Government's announcement yesterday concerning the withdrawal of the plan for all children to return to school for the last month of the Summer term I would like to confirm that the school is regrettably not in a position to offer wider opening to children in Y2 - Y5.
We currently have Vulnerable and key worker, Y6 & YR children in school and are looking forward to Y1 returning on Monday, this is working well but Government COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines mean the school is working at capacity for both accommodation and staffing and will not allow any further return of children from Y2 - Y5.
I appreciate this is very worrying for children and parents/carers in these classes and I am hoping the Government will be sending out further information regarding arrangements for the return of all children soon. Home learning will continue to be planned for all children for the remainder of the Summer term and I will be regularly reviewing the situation to ensure the school is meeting the needs of all children as best we can.
If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to phone school or use the teacher@ email address.
Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time.
Stay safe and well
Alan Monger