
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Join Jess for her final dance workshop

Hello everyone!

This is it! The final instalment of this term's online workshops! I hope you have had a brilliant term, thank you for dancing and learning French with me online. I can't wait to be back in person when possible, but in the meantime, here are this week's links which are all about transitions and end of term celebrations - enjoy! All sessions from this term will remain available over the summer holidays if you fancy having a dance around or refreshing your French - for ease the links for the whole term will be sent separately. 


Fabulous French for all years:


Key Stage 1:

Dance Warm Up:

FINAL Session:


Key Stage 2:

Dance Warm Up:

FINAL FUN Session:


Wishing you all a fantastic summer, good luck at secondary school Year 6 - and make sure that you wow the teachers with your fabulous French and great dance moves!


Take care, bonnes vacances!


Miss Squire
