Miss Squire Dance workshops Week 1
Welcome Chestnuts and welcome back everyone!
Miss Squire, your dance teacher here, ready with Week 1 of the Autumn Term sessions. This term we have a brand new warm up to some great pop tunes. Then we will be time travelling together.
This week we begin our journey by going back in time 100 years, from 2020 to the 1920s, to see how people danced the Charleston. Enjoy!
Key Stage Two:
Dance Warm Up: https://youtu.be/SZd2fix4gzk
Dance Session: Back to the 20s! https://youtu.be/ySUFB7C_ZHo
Key Stage One:
Dance Warm Up: https://youtu.be/ZKyUlfHNZSA
Dance Session: Back to the 20s! https://youtu.be/020hLrAJJhQ
Take care all,
Miss Squire