Date: 20 July 2020
Dear Parent / Carer,
As we come to the end of term and move into the Summer Holidays the government has confirmed that providers who run community activities, holiday clubs, after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school provision for children will be able to operate over the summer holiday with the correct safety measures in place.
The government have set out guidance for providers of out-of-school settings, like holiday or tuition clubs, that wish to operate over the summer holidays and have also released protective measures guidance to help them put measures in place to reduce the risk of infection and transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
When schools in the local area have closed for the summer term, children of all ages and from multiple schools may attend these settings. The Early Years and Childcare Service have put a list together of those holiday schemes that are intending to open over the summer holidays.
The list is available on Pinpoint, which includes up to date information about early years group settings, childminders and holiday clubs.
If you cannot find what you need, please complete the Unable to Find Childcare Form and click the submit button at the end. One of our team will contact you to help with finding the childcare you need over the summer holiday period.
Kind regards
Dawn Stabb
Head of Education & Learning