
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Plans for Tuesday 5th January

Dear Parent/Carer


Following the Prime Minister's announcement this evening, I am writing to confirm that from tomorrow school will only be open for children of Key workers and vulnerable children.


If you are unsure if your child is classed as a vulnerable child please remain at home tomorrow and the school will contact you during Tuesday morning to invite you to attend. For key worker children please email to indicate if your child will be attending.


 An activity for remote learning will be posted on class pages of the school website for tomorrow with more formal planning being posted during Tuesday for the remainder of this week. 


As you can appreciate this is very last minute and the school will send out more detailed information regarding Home learning during the day tomorrow.  


Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time.


Kind regards

Alan Monger
