
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Return to school information - Monday 7th September

 Tuesday 1st September 2020


Dear Parent/Carer


September 2020 Return & Recovery


I hope you have enjoyed a good summer break, everyone at school has been working hard over the summer preparing for the return and we are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday. 


This letter is a copy of the one sent out at the end of the Summer term and confirms the school’s arrangements for this return and the steps that will be taken to address the recovery of learning due to the school closure. A comprehensive Risk Assessment covering all aspects of the return and recovery can be found on the school website. Please note the Risk Assessment will be subject to continual review and revision following the school’s own internal weekly reviews and updates and additional information as it is received from the DfE and Devon County Council.


Class organisation

Children will be grouped in class bubbles within their classroom, there will be no mixing of classes and no whole school gatherings. Children will not be able to fully socially distance whilst within a class bubble but will be expected to avoid contact with each other as much as is possible taking into consideration the age of the children and the nature of a school environment. Desks will be arranged where possible to forward face and children will be encouraged to avoid face to face interaction. Children will have a dedicated desk space and personal stationery kit. Only essential items are to be brought into school such as a coat, book bag, PE kit, water bottle and packed lunch, other items such as  pencil cases and toys are not encouraged. 


Arrival and departure

There will be staggered arrival and departure times and separate playtimes and lunchtimes using different areas of the playground and school field. The table below shows the times for each class. It will be essential that children arrive and depart promptly to ensure social distancing of class groups. Reception children joining school for the first time in September will be having a phased start to school during the first week and a separate letter has gone out to Reception parents.




YR Chestnuts



Y1 Hawthorns



Y2 Willows



Y3 Poplars



Y4 Oaks



Y5 Beeches



Y6 Maples




On arrival to school and for departure all children will be supervised by staff on the playground and will be asked to line up using social distancing spots. Please do not come on to the playground and be mindful of social distancing at all times. Children using the school bus will arrive and depart at the usual bus times and siblings may arrive and depart at the same time, this being the time of the youngest sibling.


Whilst in school children will wash/sanitise  their hands on arrival/departure, after every play and lunch time, before eating food, after using the toilet  and after any session involving shared equipment such as PE. 



Each class will  have dedicated toilets for their class and will be appropriately supervised to avoid any overcrowding. 


One way system

To avoid classes mixing and to maintain social distancing there is a one-way system  around school, this is shown through signage and arrows painted on the floor.


School transport

Parents requiring school transport are asked to make direct contact with school transport to discuss needs and COVID-19 secure measures


Lunch arrangements

All lunches will be eaten in classrooms, either a home packed lunch or Devon Norse lunch. Children will wash/sanitise hands before eating and tables will be cleaned before and after eating.

 Devon Norse lunches will be delivered to the classrooms and all waste and used crockery and cutlery collected afterwards. All crockery and cutlery will be thoroughly washed and sanitised before being used again.


Uniform including PE kit

Normal school uniform including a PE kit is expected from the beginning of term - please see the school website for school uniform requirements.


Visitors to school

If you need to come to the school office, please phone in advance, only one person will be admitted at a time and you will be asked to wait outside observing social distancing.


Wellbeing - ensuring children are ready to learn

The wellbeing of children, parents/carers and staff has been of utmost importance to me from the beginning of the school closures and will continue to be so when school returns next week. As a school, our focus when children return will be to ensure all social/emotional and wellbeing needs are identified and met before we turn our attention to meeting learning needs thus ensuring children are ready to learn.


The curriculum

The school curriculum will continue to be broad and balanced. Quality first teaching will be used to identify learning needs for all children and then we will plan and teach  accordingly to meet these needs. Some children may require additional support through the use of  small group work or interventions and we will be looking to use the promised funding from the Government to support us with this.



The expectation is that all children will return to school on Monday 7th September. For any family that feels their child is not able to return the school will work with them  to support their child returning. 


Home learning

In the event of children not being able to attend school due to self isolating or another school closure, Home learning will be used to ensure learning continues. This will follow the arrangements used throughout the Summer term of work being published on class pages and Class Dojo being used for posting work back in and for teachers to give feedback. 


Extended school provision 

Breakfast and afterschool club will resume in the Autumn term, please see the letter sent out by the Admin team and  email admin@hatherleigh-pri.devon.sch. uk to indicate if you intend on using either the breakfast or after school club and for any questions or further information.



If you have any questions or require further information, please contact school

01837 810248 


Thank you for all your support, understanding and cooperation during this challenging and uncertain time. I appreciate next week will be a nervous and anxious time but am thoroughly looking forward to welcoming everyone back.

Stay safe and well and enjoy the last few days of the  Summer break.

Alan Monger

