Please find below a copy of the newsletter sent to parents and carers today.
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope you and your family are safe and well and you have had a good first week of home learning.
Today would have been the last day of the Spring term, so I would like to thank everyone for all their hard work and support this term and to wish you a Happy Easter.
During the Easter break no further home learning activities will be posted on the class pages but please continue with any projects already started and sending in your photos, they have been amazing and I know have been a source of pleasure and inspiration for all. Please send in your photos using .
From the 14th April, the beginning of the Summer term, home learning will be posted on the class pages in a different way. Learning for the week will be shown as daily English, Maths, Science and the wider curriculum activities and, where possible, at different levels of challenge - one, two or three star activities. Through taking this approach, I hope it will give a little more structure to home learning as you will be able to work through activities on a daily basis. I appreciate home learning can be challenging but the expectation is that children complete some work every school day. If you need any support or have a question, please contact school. This new approach, as you can imagine, will evolve over the weeks and months and all feedback is gratefully received.
During the Easter break and Summer term school will continue to be available for vulnerable and key worker children, but can I remind you that all children should stay at home, following the Government’s directive, and only attend school if required to enable you to fulfil your role as part of the nation’s response to COVID-19, please contact school using or .
Spending considerable amounts of time together at home as a family can be challenging, if you have any wellbeing or safeguarding concerns please contact the school or in an emergency the Police 999, non-emergency 101 or MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 03451551071 or .
For children entitled to a Free School Meal (FSM) you will have been contacted regarding term time provision whilst the school is closed, if you believe you are entitled to FSM and have not been contacted please inform the school.
Please regularly visit our website to view updates to class pages, home learning photos, online resources, including those for SEND children, and for further updates and information regarding COVID-19 as they become available from Devon County Council and the DfE.
Stay safe and well
Alan Monger