
Hatherleigh Community Primary School Caring about learning and learning to care

Y2-Y5 return to school offer

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Y2 - Y5 return to school


Dear Parent/Carer


Following the Government's announcement to withdraw the plan for all children to return to school for the last month of the Summer term I would like to offer children in Y2 - Y5, including those currently attending as vulnerable or key worker children, the opportunity to attend school for at least one day in July before the end of the Summer term. 


All children who would like to attend will be able to come into school for at least one day and depending on the number of children taking up this offer it may be two days. The aim is to give children the opportunity to be with their friends and peers, experience our COVID-19 social distancing measures and where possible, depending on staffing, to be with their current teacher or teacher for the next school year.


Government restrictions dictate that class sizes remain at no more than 15 so children will not be with their whole class but split into two groups, but again this will depend on the number of children who take up the offer. 


Once numbers are confirmed I will send out specific details including which date(s) your child will attend. Unfortunately, school transport will not be available for these one off days and parents/carers will need to make their own arrangements. 


If you would like your child to attend please email the Admin team with the subject Y2-Y5 return to school offer and your child’s full name and class by Friday 26th June, if you do not respond by this date I will assume you do not wish for your child to attend.


If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to contact school.


Yours sincerely

Alan Monger

